You can count on our division of Energy for Telecommunications for analysis, diagnostics and engineering to provide world class solutions in energy saving and efficiency of your small, medium or large scale IT infrastructure such as Datacenter, RBS, MTX’s, MTOS’s relying on conventional technologies such as High Technology Generator Systems, Photovoltaic and Wind Generation Systems, latest generation trends, c As Hybrid Systems.
The division of Energy and Automation we are here to support our clients in the design, development, configuration and commissioning of projects of high criticality in the automation of Substations and Hydroelectric Power Plants with state-of-the-art solutions in real-time data acquisition and visualization systems.
Our service support includes Conceptual and Detail Engineering, Project Management and Control, Failure Analysis and Diagnosis, Advising, Consulting, Training / Courses.
Courses and Trainings.
- HMI and SCADA systems.
- MODBUS, DNP3 protocols and simulation and testing tools.
- IEC61850 protocol and simulation and test tools.
- Electrical substations types and basic functions and low, medium and high voltage.
- Tailored courses aimed at companies.












We offer various solutions to our clients according to their existing needs …

We offer various solutions to our clients according to their existing needs, among which we can mention some of them.

Power quality studies
Power quality studies are an effective tool for diagnosing faults in electrical systems. A Power Quality study is based on the installation of a network analyzer equipment by means of which electrical variables are recorded in real time. The main electrical variables measured can be voltage, current, apparent power, active power, reactive power, power factor, harmonics, among others. In general, the equipment is installed at the study site for 7 days, however this will depend on the purpose of the study and the type of system studied.

Grounding systems
The surface of the planet earth is capable of conducting electricity . Grounding systems are used to protect equipment and people and are based on the connection of parts that are not energized or that are not designed to transport current to the planet’s surface, in this way, if any of these parts comes into contact with an energized conductor the current will be drained to ” ground ” protecting people and equipment. The main functions of the grounding system are:
- Limit the tension of the metallic parts with respect to the ground.
- Ensure the correct operation of protections and electronic equipment.
- Provide protection to users and operators of electrical systems and equipment.
Proper grounding installation ensures safe and correct operation of electrical systems.

Protection and control systems
In the design and operation of electrical systems, it must be assumed that the occurrence of faults is always possible . For this reason, the installation of protection and control systems is necessary. Protection systems are used in electrical systems to prevent the destruction of equipment or facilities due to a fault that could be initiated simply and then spread uncontrollably in a chain way, these systems generally operate automatically and quickly at in order to mitigate the effects of failures. The control systems are used for the safe operation of electrical systems, avoiding the occurrence of failures due to inappropriate operations.

Automation systems
Automation systems are used to transfer tasks that are normally performed by human operators to machines and equipment. In this way, productive tasks are increased with fewer personnel and in a safe way by reducing the occurrence of accidents due to human errors. Currently automation is a key system in the vast majority of industries.

Detail engineering
Engineering is carried out in three stages: Conceptual, Basic and Detail Engineering. The detailed engineering is based on the detailed review of the basic engineering Definition of the technical specifications of equipment and materials, functional specifications, sizing of equipment, pipes and electrical installations, list of equipment, detailed plans of the facilities, upon completion this stage engineering must be completely defined.

Thermal management
Critical facilities need the best in precision air conditioning, an adequate Thermal Management ensures the correct operation of this equipment, with high levels of reliability and efficiency, minimizing the chances of shutdown of critical systems due to faults in the air conditioning systems.

Alternative energy systems
Alternative energy systems are based on the use of energy from non-polluting renewable natural sources and are considered alternatives to traditional energy sources based on the use of fossil fuels. Among the best-known alternative energy systems are solar photovoltaic systems, solar thermal systems and wind systems. The installation of alternative energy systems is in full growth, for example, by the end of 2.019, it is estimated that 3% of electricity in the world was generated by photovoltaic solar systems, with the largest number of these systems in the area from Asia and the Pacific.

Electrical power systems for critical facilities
An electrical system supplying critical loads or facilities must be reliable and ensure the reliability and continuity of the electrical service. The criticality of the installation is defined according to the cost generated by a failure or lack of electrical power supply. For the design, operation and maintenance of electrical systems for critical installations, it is necessary to have high-level professionals and reliable equipment manufactured with the highest quality standards.

SCADA for electrical power distribution systems
An electrical system supplying critical loads or facilities must be reliable and ensure the reliability and continuity of the electrical service. The criticality of the installation is defined according to the cost generated by a failure or lack of electrical power supply. For the design, operation and maintenance of electrical systems for critical installations, it is necessary to have high-level professionals and reliable equipment manufactured with the highest quality standards.

Harmonics measurement
The increasing use of electronic equipment has caused the effects of harmonics in electrical systems to represent an increasing concern for users and operators. The diagnosis of faults generated by harmonics in electrical systems is not always easy, and it is necessary to carry out measurement campaigns with specialized equipment in order to evaluate the level of contamination present in the systems. The analysis of these data must be carried out by highly trained professionals, incorrect harmonic management could cause, among other things, damage to sensitive electrical equipment, failures in protection systems, or even fires in the most serious cases, so In systems in which a large number of non-linear loads are present, harmonics evaluation is necessary in order to ensure their correct operation.

Protection against surges and atmospheric discharges
Surge and lightning are one of the most common causes of failure in electrical equipment. An overvoltage is a temporary rise in the supply voltage, if this rise is above the limits accepted or allowed by the equipment, instantaneous or progressive damage to the insulation may occur, which will eventually lead to the appearance of a short circuit. The use of surge protectors is of utmost importance in installations with unstable electrical power supply, a surge protector ensures at all times that the supply voltage to the equipment is kept within the permitted limits. For its part, atmospheric discharges can represent a danger to people, equipment and structures if they are not adequately captured by a protection system. The protection systems against atmospheric discharges are based on the capture and conduction of these discharges to the ground, reducing the probability of impact in the protected area. The impact of lightning strikes on power lines can cause the appearance of transient overvoltages, so protection against overvoltages and lightning strikes are closely related.

Thermographic measurement services
The infrared radiation emitted by an object is a function of its temperature. By using a thermographic camera it is possible to capture this radiation and therefore obtain the temperature of the objects without having to have physical contact with them. The use of thermal imaging cameras is extremely useful in electrical systems, allowing to obtain operating temperatures of the equipment in operation, which facilitates the detection of unsafe conditions such as hot spots or operation with temperatures above allowed values. Thermographic studies are routine studies in preventive and predictive maintenance tasks that contribute to the safe operation of electrical systems.